Specialized Recovery Services Program

Welcome to the Specialized Recovery Services (SRS) program. The SRS program is a Medicaid-funded program that offers home and community-based services that are person-centered and aimed at supporting individuals in the community for individuals diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) or with a diagnosed chronic condition (DCC). The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) has contracted with CareSource to manage the Specialized Recovery Services program in the state of Ohio.

CareSource is partnering with the local Area Agencies on Aging to deliver the Specialized Recovery Services program. The Area Agencies on Aging have many years of experience coordinating care and providing access and referrals to community resources. The Area Agencies on Aging are looking forward to providing recovery management services.

CareSource in partnership with the local Area Agencies on Aging, will provide Recovery Management for individuals that are determined to be eligible for the Specialized Recovery Services program. Along with a team of the enrolled individual’s choosing, the assigned Recovery Manager will work with the enrolled individual to address their home and community-based needs and develop a person-centered care plan to meet the individual’s specific needs.

Eligibility Criteria:

Services Offered for Enrolled Individuals:

Program/Referral Information:

If you or someone you know would like more information regarding the Specialized Recovery Services Program, please contact us at 1-855-717-5676.

A referral for the Specialized Recovery Services Program also can be submitted via: