Affordable Housing

Lawrence Township has been a leader among municipalities in the State of New Jersey in meeting (and exceeding) our affordable housing obligations under the law. The Affordable Housing Office is responsible for administering state and local laws pertaining to affordable housing within the Township. The Office provides support for residents of affordable units and acts as liaison to the Affordable Housing Committee. To that end, we have retained Piazza & Associates ( to assist us with the administrating, monitoring and compliance of our affordable housing program. Piazza & Associates helps connect qualifying persons with low-income and moderate-income homes for sale and rent.

Municipal Manager, Kevin P. Nerwinski, Esq., is the Director of Affordable Housing for the Township of Lawrence.

A copy of the Lawrence Township. Affordable Housing Plan can be found here.


The Consumer Price Index with the percentage of the rent increase.

Home Improvement Program

Lawrence is accepting names for participation in its municipally sponsored home improvement program for low and moderate-income families. The attached provides further details, including income limits, on this program. To receive an application for the Home Improvement Program contact:

Affordable Housing Administrators
PO Box 495
Pine Beach NJ 08741
attn: Maureen Fullaway


On July 21, 2021 beginning at 9:30 am a Fairness and Compliance Hearing will be conducted on the Second Amendment to Fair Share Housing Agreement - June 15, 2021. For details on the virtual courtroom see the attached.